
Students enjoyed learning about drama and theater under the direction of Paul Fisher, who has been a performer and educator for over 40 years.  Students acquired, skills, confidence and friendship from Paul.

A quote from a female Apache Student – 19 years old, said “When I first heard that a person named Paul Fisher was coming for a Drama class, I was really scared.  The reason why was because I am not a really the type of person who can stand in front of class and do something. . . We did exercises that made us speak more clearly and loudly. . . answering questions loudly was very scary for me. . . Now I am not afraid of speaking out loud, answering questions out loud, or even acting in front of the class. . . It taught me everything that I was scared of doing in front of people.  I can now talk, act, and even play in a movie without being scared.  I am really thankful that Paul came down and did his drama class because I improved in many ways.”