The Witches of MacBeth

The Witches of MacBeth


Drama production of Macbeth performed by students from Ft. Thomas High School.  Here they are performing a scene of the three witches around their cauldron where they are predicting amazing and magical events.  These students worked with their teacher Ms. Sandra Hill and Mr. Paul Fisher, a professional actor and drama instructor during his integration residency.  Along with Ms. Hill the students chose the scene, created the props and costumes (using dry ice for the smoke). This was a fabulous collaboration of students, teacher and artist. The photo was taken at a performance at the Phoenix Art Museum in May 2011. Pictured:  Brandi Yoyetewa, Krista Robertson and Britton Preston.

The King in MacBeth was played by a stand-in at the last minute; the student learned his part on the bus ride to the Phoenix Art Museum performance, and did a splendid job.